List Of All Hot Keys For Mac

Windows 10 Hot Keys List
Press this key To do this Command-Shift-3 Capture the screen to a file Command-Shift-Control-3 Capture the screen to the Clipboard Command-Shift-4 Capture a selection of the screen to a file, or press the spacebar to capture just a window Command-Shift-Control-4 Capture a selection of the screen to the Clipboard, or press the spacebar to capture just a window /suspoiler suspoiler title=”Startup shortcuts” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-circle” Use these key combinations to change how your pc startup up. Press this key To do this Power button Tap to power on.
Once powered on, tap the power button to wake or sleep your Mac. Press this key To do this 8 or numeric keypad 8 Move Up K or numeric keypad 2 Move Down U or numeric keypad 4 Move Left O or numeric keypad 6 Move Right J or numeric keypad 1 Move Diagonally Bottom Left L or numeric keypad 3 Move Diagonally Bottom Right 7 or numeric keypad 7 Move Diagonally Top Left 9 or numeric keypad 9 Move Diagonally Top Right I or numeric keypad 5 Press Mouse Button M or numeric keypad 0 Hold Mouse Button.
(period key) Release Hold Mouse Button /suspoiler suspoiler title=”Finder shortcuts” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-circle” Press this key To do this Command-A Select all files in the frontmost window Command-Option-A Deselect all items Command-C Copy selected files, then use Paste or Move to move the files.