Eve Mac Eve For Mac
Select Forum » Pages: 1:: Author - 0 post(s) Posted - 2009.02.23 00:51:00 - Hi Guys, I'm planing to switch to mac (sick of windows and linux won't be supported anymore). I would like to keep playing EVE as I was doing for last few years. Simple question is - is it worth to try mac client? I won't spent to much time on client. I'm leaving windows due I'm sick of environment which is not stable enough. I don't want to jump to another area which will eat my time as well. What can I expect?
Is it working close to windows client regarding how stable it is and regarding performance as well? Can you help me finding answers please. Thank you, -K. Intrepid Crossing Posted - 2009.02.23 01:32:00 - I run on a 2.16 GHz MBP with 2 GB of RAM.
Eve Mcfarland
Quantum Rise has been pretty stable for me. I often run two clients simultaneously but performance can get pretty low that way. Frame rate has always been lower than the Windows version, even on the same hardware, but not so low as to make it unenjoyable. What I miss is the premium graphics and we'll be getting those with Apocrypha.
You can do like some of us and partition out part of your disk to install Windows as a back up to particularly buggy Mac client releases. Who knows what Apocrypha will bring as far as Mac client issues.

If you're ready to switch to the Mac then don't let Eve slow you down. You have the option of switching to Windows if things get bad on the Mac client. Gallente Posted - 2009.02.23 03:31:00 - I've been playing with the Mac client since it came out a little over a year ago.
There were some issues at first, but I don't have any now. As the previous poster mentioned, new releases have always caused some trouble. Workarounds eventually materialize so many Mac users partition their drives and keep a Windows/EVE client ready for emergencies. Personally, I just don't play until someone figures it out. I also know several people that only run EVE in Windows under the Mac OS. They claim it actually runs better so you have some options depending on how stable you need EVE to be for you. Good Luck Time will tell.
Posted - 2009.02.23 06:05:00 - The premium client is released on March 10, wait until after then for more information. Or maybe even a few weeks after that to allow them to iron out the worst bugs. But it will probably be awesomecakes for those with good enough hardware. Gallente Brothers at Amra Tank 'n' Spank Posted - 2009.02.23 07:05:00 - I've been playing since 8.2006, the month i got my MBP. I actully notice the MAc client is cooler on my MBP then the Windows Client. There are a few graphic glitches, nothing to make the game unplayable. Once and a whole the Mouse curser will disappear but pushing the Cmd-Enter (Apple key = Command) will bring it to window, i usually play in window mode on mac because i'll have a mining timer up, and a few web pages up.
(17') I've had 2 clients up no problem, slight FPS hit (2-10) i've been in a 170 man battle, thats they only lag i've seen, was still playable when i turned most the Effects off. (Under effects, turn most off, no problems, back on after the 150+ is done) I was able to beta Test the Mac Premium for a little bit, seemed stable, no crashes, did see a graphic bug, but heard it was being taken care of. Hollow knight mac save location.
Eve Mac Eve For Mac

Just like windows, you need Restart (or Log out, log in) of your Mac OSX to reset the Errors. Few other things, but all of this is going to be moot on the 10th. I still Use EVE Windows premium. Macbook Pro 2.16 Ghz, 2gb RAM SOOO Glade to have mac client, BTW. It works with spaces:) (never in full screen) Only downside is that you can't have 2 full screen clients like you could with EVE windows, because it's currently not supported by Cider. There is no EVE:MON yet.
Aurora is working on one.Kudos!. I have a miner timer in beta.CoughselfishpromotingCough. EFT Works Via X11 (Can't find post.