Opinamakge Opinamakge Issues 10

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. ForgeRock Authenticator App and Module OpenAM 13 introduces a new authenticator mobile app for iOS and Android, which generates a one-time password (OTP) for strong multi-factor authentication and is consumed by an associated ForgeRock Authenticator (OATH) Authentication module.

The mobile app provides easy delivery and secure provisioning via QR codes with recovery codes in the event of lost or stolen devices. For more information, see in the Administration Guide. Contextual Authorization OpenAM 13 now supports contextual authorization, which is a powerful way to build context-based intelligence into policies to protect resources at the time of access.

Scriptable conditions can examine environmental context and call external REST policy information points (PIPs) to augment the authorization process. These scripts can be used to assess risk, calling up stronger authentication mechanisms only when necessary. These custom scripts increase the level of assurance and intelligence that the service provider has, enabling a more informed interaction with the user. For more information, see in the Developer's Guide.

Universal Authorization OpenAM 13 lets administrators define their own resource types using custom actions, which can be used to build solution-specific policies. This allows the OpenAM policy engine to now externalize policy in more situations, such as in IoT projects where devices attempt to access resources other than URLs. For more information, see in the Administration Guide. SAML2 Authentication Module OpenAM 13 now offers a new authentication module based on the SAML 2.0 specification. The SAML2 authentication module allows federation to be incorporated into authentication chains, leveraging federated identities in stronger multi-factor authentication scenarios. For more information, see in the Administration Guide.

Built-In RADIUS Server Support OpenAM 13 now includes a built-in service enabling it to act as a Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) server. Administrators can now have a single authentication service for both VPNs that use RADIUS and for access to other protected services. For more information, see in the Administration Guide. OpenID Connect 1.0 Claims Scripts OpenAM 13 now issues ID tokens that can be augmented with additional claims by means of OIDC claims scripts. This feature makes it easier to build solutions requiring additional identity information.

For more information, see in the Developer's Guide. Base URL Source Service. OpenAM supports a provider service that allows a realm to have a configured option for obtaining the base URL (including protocol) for components that need to return a URL to the client. This service is used to provide the URL base that is used in the.well-known endpoints used in OpenID Connect 1.0 and UMA.

For more information, see in the Administration Guide. Stateless Sessions OpenAM 13 supports two types of sessions: stateful and stateless. Stateful sessions are sessions that reside in the OpenAM server's memory and, if session failover is enabled, are also persisted in the Core Token Service's token store.

Stateful sessions have been the only session type supported in previous OpenAM releases. OpenAM 13 also supports a new type of session: the stateless session. Stateless sessions are sessions in which state information is encoded in OpenAM and sent to clients, but the information from the sessions is not retained in OpenAM's memory. For browser-based clients, OpenAM sets a cookie in the browser that contains the session state. When the browser transmits the cookie back to OpenAM, OpenAM decodes the session state from the cookie. Stateless sessions can be used for deployments when elasticity is required, for example, cloud deployments in which the server load varies.

You can add and remove OpenAM servers to and from a site and the stateless session load should balance horizontally. For more information, see in the Administration Guide.

Opinamakge Opinamakge Issues 101

Dynamic Configuration OpenAM 13's many services that previously required a server restart are now hot-swappable. New Themeable User Interface OpenAM 13 now provides new responsive and rich JavaScript-based user interface themes, providing easier customization. For more information, see in the Installation Guide. Recording Troubleshooting Information The new ssoadm start-recording command lets you initiate events that monitor OpenAM, while saving output that is useful when performing troubleshooting. You can also start a recording event from the /json/records endpoint. After starting a recording event, you can use the new ssoadm get-recording-status command to get the status of the recording event and the new ssoadm stop-recording command to terminate the recording event. For more information, see in the Administration Guide and in the Developer's Guide.

Common Self-Service OpenAM 13 introduces a new user self-service feature that allows users to register to your web site and reset forgotten passwords. This feature decreases help desk costs as users can on-board and maintain their own accounts. The service is exposed over REST endpoints enabling custom or mobile front-ends to utilize it. The user self-service feature delivers a consistent user experience across the ForgeRock platform (OpenAM, OpenIDM, OpenDJ). For more information, see in the Administration Guide. Common Audit Logging OpenAM 13 introduces the new ForgeRock Common Audit Framework, allowing OpenAM to log all user and administrative activity in a consistent format across the ForgeRock platform. Logs can be written to file, database, or syslog.

Common Audit Logging gives administrators a common and consistent audit trail of all user activity across the ForgeRock platform. For more information, see in the Administration Guide. OpenIG as a Replacement for DAS ForgeRock's OpenIG can act as an intelligent reverse proxy server between clients and the OpenAM Service. When deployed within a DMZ, OpenIG can inspect all traffic and properly forwarding requests to OpenAM. OpenDJ 3.0 OpenAM 13 has upgraded its embedded directory service to use the new OpenDJ 3.0 server as its configuration, token, and UMA store.

Scripting Service OpenAM 13 has enhanced its Scripting Service, providing a library and editor that builds authentication scripts (client and server), authorization policy condition scripts, and OpenID Connect Claims gathering scripts. The OpenAM Scripting Service allows easy and fast customization of authentication and authorization services. For more information, see in the Administration Guide. SOAP STS OpenAM 13 has enhanced its STS solution, adding a SOAP STS solution to the REST STS service in OpenAM 12.0. The SOAP STS service is a token transformation service that allows a mobile app developer who possesses an OIDC token to generate a SAML assertion to access resources held by a federated service provider. The SOAP STS is deployed remotely from OpenAM in the following containers.: Fetch additional SSOToken attributes like legacy REST interface.: Allow country-specific localization in XUI.: Allow user to adjust the size of Metadata that can be uploaded by the Common Task 'Create SAMLv2 Providers' buttons. These changes are new in OpenAM 13:.

It is strongly recommended not to use the forward slash character in policy names. Users running OpenAM servers on Tomcat and JBoss web containers will not be able to manipulate policies with the forward slash character in their names without setting the ‑Dorg.apache.tomcat.util.buf.UDecoder.ALLOWENCODEDSLASH=true argument in the CATALINAOPTS environment variable before starting the OpenAM web container. It is also strongly recommended not to enable the ALLOWENCODEDSLASH=true setting while running OpenAM in production. Using this option introduces a security risk. See and for more information. If you have policy names with forward slashes after migration to OpenAM 13, rename the policies so that they do not have forward slashes. Perform the following steps if you use Tomcat or JBoss as your OpenAM web container.

Stop the OpenAM web container. Add the ‑Dorg.apache.tomcat.util.buf.UDecoder.ALLOWENCODEDSLASH=true setting to the CATALINAOPTS environment variable. Restart the OpenAM web container. Rename any policies with forward slashes in their names. Stop the OpenAM web container.

Remove the ‑Dorg.apache.tomcat.util.buf.UDecoder.ALLOWENCODEDSLASH=true setting from the CATALINAOPTS environment variable. Restart the OpenAM web container. New Attribute Required in Authentication Service Definition.

OpenAM 13 requires that schemas in the definition of an authentication service contain resourceName attributes. The attributes are not added to custom authentication service definitions when upgrading from a previous version, so must be added manually. The specific changes required in the service definition schema are:. The Schema element in the service definition must contain a resourceName attribute. This value is used to refer to the service when managing the service using REST.

For example:. Any SubSchema elements in the service definition must contain a resourceName attribute, with a value of USE-PARENT. For example: An example of a service definition compatible with OpenAM 13 can be found in in the Developer's Guide. Procedure 4.1. To Add Required Attributes to Custom Service Definition Schemas You can add the required attributes either before or after upgrading to OpenAM 13. The steps in this procedure cover adding the attributes before upgrading. If you have not already done so, install and configure a tool for altering the contents of the OpenDJ configuration store, for example the.

Connect to the embedded configuration store using the same bind DN credentials as configured in OpenAM. The default is cn=Directory Manager. In the directory tree of the configuration store, locate the sunServiceSchema attribute for your custom service definition under ou=services. For example, on a default install the definition for the data store service is located here: ou=1.0,ou=sunAMAuthDataStoreService,ou=services,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org. Edit the XML stored within the sunServiceSchema attribute, adding the required resourceName attribute to Schema and SubSchema elements. Commit the changes to the configuration store, and proceed to upgrade OpenAM. Failure to add the required attributes will result in the OpenAM 13 user interface being unable to view or edit custom services, or create or edit authentication modules based on them after upgrade.

You may also see a Not found error message displayed in the administration console when creating or editing authentication modules. Changes to SAML 2.0 NameID Persistence.

OpenAM's SAML 2.0 account management and NameID persistence logic has been updated to work better with non-persistent NameID formats. The NameID persistence logic is summarized as follows. The following changes have been made on the identity provider side:. New Setting: idpDisableNameIDPersistence. OpenAM now provides a new setting, idpDisableNameIDPersistence, which disables the storage of the NameID values for all NameIDs issued by that IdP instance, as long as the NameID-Format is anything but urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent. SP's spDoNotWriteFederationInfo Repurposed. The SP's spDoNotWriteFederationInfo setting has been repurposed.

It no longer is specific to unspecified NameID-Formats. Now, it affects all non-persistent NameID-Formats, similar to the idpDisableNameIDPersistence setting in the IdP configuration. NameID Lookup Changes. The NameID lookup mechanism has been modified, so that it only tries to look up existing NameID values for the user if the NameID is actually persisted for the corresponding NameID-Format. New Method in the IDPAccountMapper Interface.

The IDPAccountMapper interface has been extended with the following new method: /. Tells whether the provided NameID-Format should be persisted in the user data. store or not. @param realm The hosted IdP's realm.

@param hostEntityID The hosted IdP's entityID. @param remoteEntityID The remote SP's entityID. @param nameIDFormat The non-transient, non-persistent NameID-Format in question.

@return true if the provided NameID-Format should be persisted. in the user data store, false otherwise./ public boolean shouldPersistNameIDFormat(String realm, String hostEntityID, String remoteEntityID,String nameIDFormat); The default implementation of shouldPersistNameIDFormat in DefaultIDPAccountMapper first checks whether idpDisableNameIDPersistence is enabled in the hosted IdP configuration. If idpDisableNameIDPersistence is disabled, the logic advances and accesses the remote SP's spDoNotWriteFederationInfo flag.

The following changes have been made on the service provider side:. Changes to SPAccountMapper.

The SPAccountMapper implementations now no longer need to perform reverse lookups using the received NameID value. The SPACSUtils now performs the reverse lookup if the NameID-Format should be persisted. This change was made to ensure that NameID values are only persisted in the data store if they have not been stored there previously. SP's spDoNotWriteFederationInfo Repurposed. The SP's spDoNotWriteFederationInfo setting has been repurposed.

It no longer is specific to unspecified NameID-Formats. It affects all non-persistent NameID-Formats. New Method in the SPAccountMapper Interface. The SPAccountMapper interface has been extended with the following new method: /.

Tells whether the provided NameID-Format should be persisted in the user data. store or not. @param realm The hosted SP's realm. @param hostEntityID The hosted SP's entityID. @param remoteEntityID The remote IdP's entityID.

@param nameIDFormat The non-transient, non-persistent NameID-Format in question. @return true if the provided NameID-Format should be persisted. in the user data store, false otherwise./ public boolean shouldPersistNameIDFormat(String realm, String hostEntityID, String remoteEntityID, String nameIDFormat); The default implementation of shouldPersistNameIDFormat in DefaultLibrarySPAccountMapper checks whether spDoNotWriteFederationInfo is enabled in the hosted SP configuration. For more information, see. AD/LDAP/RADIUS Authentication Modules Allow More Than One Primary/Secondary Server. The Active Directory, LDAP, and RADIUS authentication modules now allow one or more servers to be designated as primary or secondary servers.

When authenticating users from a directory server that is remote to OpenAM, set the primary server values, and optionally, the secondary server values. Primary servers have priority over secondary servers.

Ssoadm attributes are: primary is iplanet-am-auth-ldap-server; secondary is iplanet-am-auth-ldap-server2. Both properties take more than one value; thus, allowing more than one primary or secondary remote server, respectively. Assuming a multi-data center environment, OpenAM determines priority within the primary and secondary remote servers, respectively, as follows.

Every LDAP server that is mapped to the current OpenAM instance has highest priority. For example, if you are connected to openam1.example.com and ldap1.example.com is mapped to that OpenAM instance, then OpenAM uses ldap1.example.com. Every LDAP server that was not specifically mapped to a given OpenAM instance has the next highest priority. For example, if you have another LDAP server, ldap2.example.com, that is not connected to a specific OpenAM server and if ldap1.example.com is unavailable, OpenAM connects to the next highest priority LDAP server, ldap2.example.com. LDAP servers that are mapped to different OpenAM instances have the lowest priority.

For example, if ldap3.example.com is connected to openam3.example.com and ldap1.example.com and ldap2.example.com are unavailable, then openam1.example.com connects to ldap3.example.com. For more information, see. New XUI Reverse Proxy Support Option. A new option for controlling caching in the XUI when behind a reverse proxy is available in this release. The option is disabled by default when upgrading to preserve previous behavior, and enabled in clean installs. If reverse proxy support in the XUI is required after an upgrade from 12.0.0, delay enabling the XUI Reverse Proxy Support option long enough that cached JavaScript files on end-user clients have expired, for example 30 days. Failure to do so may result in users being redirected to.

Legacy User Self Service Endpoints Disabled by Default. The REST endpoints used by the legacy user self service features, such as registering for an account or resetting a forgotten password, are now disabled by default. Legacy deployments should migrate to the new user self-service features in OpenAM 13, see in the Administration Guide. To restore the legacy endpoints, enable the Configuration Global Legacy User Self Service Legacy Self-Service REST Endpoint option. Restoring the legacy self service endpoints allows REST requests crafted such that the body of the self-service email contains a malicious URL that end users may visit, hiding the correct OpenAM URL that is appended to the end of the email body. Destination After Successful Self-Registration Option Removed.

The new user self-service workflow will always display the success page after completing self-registration. The option to choose the behavior has been removed. REST Endpoint Changes Version 3.0 of the /users endpoint is provided in this release of OpenAM. The response differs from version 2.0 of the endpoint, which remains available for backwards compatibility.

The new version of the endpoint returns details about all users. Medical appointment scheduling software for mac. The previous version only returned a list of usernames. Version 3.0 of the /users endpoint does not support the following action values: https://openam.example.com:8443/openam/json/users/?action=forgotPasswordReset. jaxp-api-1.4.2.jar. xercesImpl-2.11.0.jar. xml-apis-2.11.0.jar.

xml-resolver-2.11.0.jar. xml-serializer-2.11.0.jar For instructions on how to expand the openam.war file, make changes to bootstrap.properties file, and then rebuild the openam.war file, see in the Installation Guide. Set the following custom JVM properties on the WebSphere server: -Djavax.xml.soap.MessageFactory=com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.soap.ver11.SOAPMessageFactory11Impl -Djavax.xml.soap.SOAPFactory=com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.soap.ver11.SOAPFactory11Impl -Djavax.xml.soap.SOAPConnectionFactory=com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.client.p2p.HttpSOAPConnectionFactory -Djavax.xml.soap.MetaFactory=com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.soap.SAAJMetaFactoryImpl -Dcom.ibm.websphere.webservices.DisableIBMJAXWSEngine=true.

Restart the WebSphere server. Different return type for GetUserInfo method of ScopeValidator interface.

The return type for the getUserInfo method of the org.forgerock.oauth2.core.ScopeValidator interface, formerly Map, is now org.forgerock.oauth2.core.UserInfoClaims. The new return type lets callers of the getUserInfo method see values of users' claims. This change affects OAuth 2.0 scope validator plugins. For more information, see in the Developer's Guide. Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition no longer supported for the OpenAM configuration store.

In previous versions, it was possible to deploy the OpenAM configuration store in an external Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition instance. In OpenAM 13, this is no longer possible. You must deploy the OpenAM configuration store in an OpenDJ server instance: either the embedded OpenDJ directory server instance that is installed together with OpenAM, or in an external server instance.NET Fedlet Documentation Moved: The.NET Fedlet documentation is now a available to ForgeRock customers. The OpenAM Logging, User Self Service, and Password Reset Services are deprecated. The User Self Service has been renamed to Legacy User Self Service. New audit logging and user self-service capabilities are available in OpenAM 13.0.0. See for more information.

The classic JATO-based UI is deprecated for the end-user pages and replaced in OpenAM with the JavaScript-based XUI as a replacement. The classic UI for end user pages is likely to be removed in a future release. Listing tokens with the /frrest/oauth2/token/?queryId method is deprecated.

Improved queryFilter support will be added to replace the queryId method. The Device Print Service is deprecated.

For information on replacement device identification features, see in the Administration Guide. /log. /getCookieNamesForToken. /getCookieNamesToForward. Use of the legacy Netscape LDAP SDK is replaced by the OpenDJ SDK. The sun-idrepo-ldapv3-config-connection-mode property replaces sun-idrepo-ldapv3-config-ssl-enabled, which has been removed from the configuration schema ( sunIdentityRepositoryService).

For more information, see. The openam-auth-ldap-connection-mode property replaces iplanet-am-auth-ldap-ssl-enabled, which has been removed from the configuration schema ( sunAMAuthADService and iPlanetAMAuthLDAPService). For more information, see. New openam.deserialisation.classes.whitelist Property. OpenAM uses the JATO framework for some console pages and for legacy login pages. The JATO framework uses serialized Java objects to maintain state during the console session.

To ensure that the serialized objects have not been exploited by a malicious user, OpenAM now provides a new openam.deserialisation.classes.whitelist property that lists valid classes when OpenAM performs object deserialization. The default should work for most deployments. You can access and update the property on the OpenAM console by navigating to Configuration Servers and Sites Default Server Settings Security Object Deserialisation Class Whitelist.

For more information, see. REST services relying on the following endpoints have been removed from OpenAM. /identity/attributes. /identity/authenticate. /identity/authorize. /identity/create.


/identity/delete. /identity/isTokenValid. /identity/logout. /identity/read.

/identity/search. /identity/update.

/json/ realm/referrals. /ws/1/entitlement/decision.

/ws/1/entitlement/decisions. /ws/1/entitlement/entitlement. /ws/1/entitlement/entitlements.

/ws/1/entitlement/listener. /ws/1/entitlement/privilege. /ws/1/token. The Persistent Cookie (Legacy) settings in the Core Authentication module have been removed, along with the following properties. com.iplanet.am.cookie.timeToLive. openam.session.allowpersistamcookie.

openam.session.persistamcookie For information on how to configure persistent cookies in this release, see in the Administration Guide. The server-only WAR file has been removed from the OpenAM distribution.

The Distributed Authentication Service (DAS) has been removed. Referral policies are no longer available in OpenAM. If you are upgrading from a previous version of OpenAM and currently use referral policies, please refer to the for migration information. Specifying a realm in POST data is no longer supported. A number of other methods are supported, such as specifying the realm as a query parameter.: HTTP GET to uma/auditHistory with param 'sortKeys=-eventTime' returned 500 server error.: Client Authentication method not compliant with OpenID standard.: XUI login script queries '/openam/json/users?realm=/?action=idFromSession'.: Validate OIDC script returns 'No privilege mapping for requested action validate'.: OAuth2 Error Page on oauth2/authorize with valid params and cookie.: changePassword REST endpoint is not returning LDAP issues that are related to a user mistake. Cached JavaScript Files from OpenAM 12.0.0 May Cause Redirect to undefined:8080. If you configure an OpenAM 12.0.0 instance with long-lived cache times for the /XUI/index.html file, you may experience unexpected redirects to undefined:8080 after upgrading to OpenAM 13.

To work around this issue, in your chosen web container, or proxy server, reconfigure the cache time for the /XUI/index.html file to be short-lived, for example, 5 minutes. Allow enough time that cached files with the long-lived cache time will have expired before upgrading to OpenAM 13. This issue does not affect upgrades from OpenAM 12.0.1 or later. OpenAM 12.0.1 and later set a short-lived cache-control header on UI files to work around the problem of having stale files cached locally. RADIUS Service Only Supports Commons Audit Logging. The new RADIUS service only supports the new Commons Audit Logging, available in this release. The RADIUS service cannot use the older Logging Service, available in releases prior to OpenAM 13.0.0.

Administration Console Access Requires the RealmAdmin privilege. In OpenAM 13, administrators can use the OpenAM administration console as follows. Delegated administrators with the RealmAdmin privilege can access full administration console functionality within the realms they can administer. In addition, delegated administrators in the Top Level Realm who have this privilege can access OpenAM's global configuration. Administrators with lesser privileges, such as the PolicyAdmin privilege, can not access the OpenAM administration console.

The top-level administrator, such as amadmin, has access to full console functionality in all realms and can access OpenAM's global configuration. Do Not End Policy Names with a '/' Character. Do not use a '/' character at the end of a policy name as it will cause OpenAM to not read, edit, or delete the policy. After upgrade, users who have policies with a trailing slash '/' character at the end of a policy name should remove the slash. Ways: To remove slashes in the policy names, remove them as recommended in:. Upgrade Incorrectly Sets Default Value for the REST APIs Service.

The workaround is to manually set the default version setting in the REST APIs service to the preferred value: $ openam/bin/ssoadm set-attr-defs -s RestApisService -t Global -a openam-rest-apis-default-version=Latest -u amadmin -f.pass For background information, see. OAuth2 Scopes Behavior Affected by Upgrade.

After an upgrade, OAuth 2.0 scope behavior uses a deprecated implementation class, org.forgerock.openam.oauth2.provider.impl.ScopeImpl. The workaround is to manually update the OAuth 2.0 providers to use the org.forgerock.openam.oauth2.OpenAMScopeValidator. For background information, see. Different OpenAM Version within a Site.

Do not run different versions of OpenAM together in the same OpenAM site. Avoid Use of Special Characters in Policy or Application creation. Do not use special characters within policy, application or referral names (for example, 'my+referral') using the Policy Editor or REST endpoints as OpenAM returns a 400 Bad Request error. The special characters are: double quotes ('), plus sign (+), command (,), less than , backslash ( ), and null ( u0000). Avoid Using REST Endpoint Names for Realm Names.

Do not use the names of OpenAM REST endpoints as the name of a realm. The OpenAM REST endpoint names that should not be used includes: 'users', 'groups', 'realms', 'policies' and 'applications'. Deploying OpenAM on Windows in an IPv6 Network. When deploying OpenAM components on Microsoft Windows in an IPv6 environment, you must use the Java 7 Development Kit on Windows (due to, which is fixed only in Java 7). Database Repository Type is Experimental. The Database Repository type of data store is experimental and not supported for production use.

Enforcing Session Quotas with Session Failover. By default OpenAM does not enforce session quotas when running in Site mode without session failover. To work around this behavior, set the server configuration property openam.session.useLocalSessionsInMultiServerMode=true. You can set this property in OpenAM console under Configuration Servers and Sites Servers Server Name Advanced. XACML Policy Import and Export. OpenAM can only import XACML 3.0 files that were either created by an OpenAM instance, or that have had minor manual modifications, due to the reuse of some XACML 3.0 parameters for non-standard information. Custom Profile Attributes Are Visible in the User Profile Only With the Classic UI.

The ability to view and edit custom profile attributes is limited to the classic UI. Custom profile attributes do not appear in the user profile when users log in to OpenAM using the XUI.

Date Description 2018-06-08 Added a warning about enabling the org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.UDecoder.ALLOWENCODEDSLASH. For more information, see in the Installation Guide. 2017-12-06 The step to import cts-add-multivalue.ldif was removed from the Installation Guide. The file does not apply to this version of OpenAM.

For more information, see the in the Installation Guide. 2017-12-06 The Release Notes were updated to show REST endpoints that were removed from OpenAM 13.5. They were incorrectly listed under the 'Deprecated Functionality' section. For more information, see the 'Removed Functionality' section in the Release Notes. 2016-07-20 Refreshed formatting. Added information about implementing the key rollover feature to in the Administration Guide.

Key rollover lets you specify multiple encryption and signing keys for SAML providers. Added a new row, Core Token Service Demand, to in the Administration Guide. Corrected the description of the Auto Federation Attribute property in in the Administration Guide. Added a warning not to allow Content-Type headers to CORS filters to in the Installation Guide. Fixed in the Administration Guide so that it references OpenAM's git repository rather than subversion. OpenAM changed from subversion to git prior to the release of OpenAM 13.

Added the new org.forgerock.openam.redirecturlvalidator.maxUrlLength property to in the Reference. Clarified in that OpenAM requires a JDK installation on the host running the OpenAM web container.

The procedure to turn off user data caching has a new step to disable persistent search. See in the Administration Guide.

in the Administration Guide has been updated to reflect changes to the Salesforce CRM user interface. Descriptions of the Relay State URL List property in in the Administration Guide and in the Administration Guide have been corrected.

The language code for Japanese in in the Installation Guide has been corrected. in the Installation Guide has been corrected to reflect the changes that occur to the French login page after customization.

in the Installation Guide now includes explicit information about the location of the bootstrap.properties file. in the Administration Guide now includes descriptions of the Persistent Cookie Encryption Certificate Alias and Organization Authentication Signing Secret properties. in the Administration Guide and in the Developer's Guide have been updated to include the SOAP Security Token Service (STS), and REST STS features introduced in OpenAM 13. These chapters are major rewrites that now include a conceptual overview of SOAP and REST STS, descriptions of all STS configuration properties, instructions for deploying SOAP STS instances, and programmatic and command-line examples of many STS operations.

In the Administration Guide has been added to describe SOAP STS agent configuration properties.