Morocco On The Move
As the world becomes a population on the move, the CBC's Nahlah Ayed travels to the Morocco-Spain border, a flashpoint for migrants looking for a safe bridge into Europe. However, to get there, they first have to smuggle themselves across a heavily barricaded border.
Nahlah joins a Spanish patrol which is monitoring the new route migrants are increasingly choosing since the new Italian government closed access to its ports — a route that has seen a number of violent confrontations in recent weeks. As the world becomes a population on the move, the CBC's Nahlah Ayed travels to the Morocco-Spain border, a flashpoint for migrants looking for a safe bridge into Europe. However, to get there, they first have to smuggle themselves across a heavily barricaded border. Nahlah joins a Spanish patrol which is monitoring the new route migrants are increasingly choosing since the new Italian government closed access to its ports — a route that has seen a number of violent confrontations in recent weeks.
8 Boulevard Moulay Youssef, Casablanca, Morocco Telephone: +(212) (522) 642-099 Emergency After-Hours Telephone: +(212)(661) 13-19-39 Fax: +(212) (522) 29-77-01 The normal work week in Morocco is Monday through Friday. Embassy Rabat KM 5.7, Avenue Mohammed VI Souissi, Rabat 10170, Morocco Telephone: +(212)(537) 63-72-00 Emergency After-Hours Telephone: +(212)(661)13-19-39 Fax: +(212)(537) 63-72-01 Please note that U.S.
Embassy Rabat does not offer consular services and does not have entry facilities for public visitors. Passports and Visas:. You must have a valid passport with at least one blank page. Visas are not required for visits lasting less than 90 days. Visit the website for the most current visa information. Overstays: If you remain in Morocco beyond 90 days without having requested an extension of stay, you will need to appear before a judge prior to departing Morocco. Please contact the immigration office at your local police station for details.
Clearance may include the payment of a fine. Lost/Stolen Passports: Please obtain a police report for a lost or stolen passport in the area where the loss or theft occurred.
Recently, police have required evidence of U.S. Citizenship prior to issuing the report of loss. In these cases, U.S. Citizens may visit U.S. Consulate General Casablanca to obtain a temporary emergency passport prior to obtaining a report of loss. Travelers who plan to reside in Morocco must obtain a residence permit, (Certificat d’Immatriculation) Applications should be submitted to the Bureau des Etrangers of the Prefecture de Police or Commissariat Central in major cities, and to the Gendarmerie in remote areas and villages. Please see Residency Permits section under the Local Laws & Special Circumstances tab.
Carry a copy of your U.S. Passport with you at all times to have proof of identity and U.S. Citizenship readily available, if needed. Children who possess U.S.
Passports and who are born to a Moroccan father may experience difficulty leaving Morocco without the father's permission, even if the parents are divorced and the mother has legal custody. Under Moroccan law, these children are considered Moroccan citizens. Citizen women married to Moroccans do not need their spouse's permission to leave Morocco. HIV/AIDS: The U.S. Department of State is unaware of any HIV/AIDS entry restrictions for visitors to or foreign residents of Morocco. Find information on, and on our websites. The potential for terrorist violence against U.S.
Interests and citizens exists in Morocco. Moroccan authorities continue to disrupt groups seeking to attack U.S.
Or Western-affiliated and Moroccan government targets, arresting numerous individuals associated with international terrorist groups. With indications that such groups still seek to carry out attacks in Morocco, it is important for U.S. Citizens to be keenly aware of their surroundings and adhere to prudent security practices such as avoiding predictable travel patterns and maintaining a low profile. Establishments that are identifiable with the United States are potential targets for attacks.
These may include facilities where U.S. Citizens and other foreigners congregate, including clubs, restaurants, places of worship, schools, hotels, movie theaters, U.S. Brand establishments, and other public areas. Such targets may also include establishments where activities that may offend religious sensitivities occur, such as casinos or places where alcoholic beverages are sold or consumed.
Citizens are urged to remain alert to local security developments and be vigilant regarding their personal security and report any suspicious incidents or problems immediately to Moroccan authorities and the U.S. Consulate in Casablanca. Demonstrations occur frequently in Morocco and are typically focused on political or social issues. During periods of heightened regional tension, large demonstrations may take place in the major cities. By law, all demonstrations require a government permit, but spontaneous unauthorized demonstrations, which have greater potential for violence, can occur.
In addition, different unions or groups may organize strikes to protest an emerging issue or government policy. Travelers should be aware of the current levels of tension in Morocco and stay informed of regional issues that could resonate in Morocco and create an anti-American response. Avoid demonstrations if at all possible.
If caught in a demonstration, remain calm and move away immediately when provided the opportunity. The Western Sahara is an area where the legal status of the territory and the issue of its sovereignty remain unresolved. The area was long the site of armed conflict between Moroccan government forces and the POLISARIO Front, which continues to seek independence for the territory. However, a cease-fire has been fully in effect since 1991 in the UN-administered area. There are thousands of unexploded mines in the Western Sahara and in areas of Mauritania adjacent to the Western Saharan border. Exploding mines are occasionally reported, and they have caused death and injury. There have been sporadic reports of violence in the cities of Laayoune and Dakhla stemming from sporting events and from political demonstrations.
Morocco claims sovereignty over the Western Sahara and closely monitors and controls access to the territory. There have been instances in which U.S. Citizens suspected of being participants in political protests or of supporting NGOs that are critical of Moroccan policies have been expelled from, or not been allowed to enter, the Western Sahara. To stay connected:.
Enroll in the (STEP) so we can keep you up to date with important safety and security announcements. Follow the Bureau of Consular Affairs on. Bookmark the, which contains the current as well as the.
Follow the U.S. Embassy in Morocco on and visit the. In the event of an emergency, contact us at 1-888-407-4747 toll-free within the U.S. And Canada, or via a regular toll line, 1-202-501-4444, from other countries. Take some time before traveling to consider your personal security and check for useful tips for. Crime: Crime in Morocco is a serious concern, particularly in major cities and tourist areas.
Aggressive panhandling, pick-pocketing, purse-snatching, theft from unoccupied vehicles, and harassment of women are the most frequently reported issues. Criminals have used weapons, primarily knives, during some street robberies and burglaries. These have occurred at any time of day or night, not only in isolated places or areas less frequented by visitors, but in crowded areas as well. At night and when moving about unfamiliar areas, avoid traveling alone and utilize “petit” (red) taxis.
Residential break-ins also occur and have on occasion turned violent, but most criminals look for opportunities based on stealth rather than confrontation. Travelers should avoid soccer stadiums and their environs on days of scheduled matches as large groups of team supporters have been known to become unruly and harass and assault bystanders.
Joggers should be mindful of traffic and remain in more heavily populated areas. It is always best to have a jogging companion, dress modestly, and avoid isolated areas or jogging at night. Taxis. in Morocco are generally crime-free during day time, although city buses are not considered safe.
Trains are generally safe, but theft, regardless of the time of day, sometimes occurs. Avoid carrying large sums of cash and be particularly alert when using ATM machines.
In the event you are victimized by crime or an attempted crime, please report the incident to the local police and the U.S. Consulate General in Casablanca as soon as possible. NOTE: Web-based ride-sharing services are not legal in Morocco; however, some well-known companies (UBER and Careem) have attempted operations with limited success. Media reports of ride-sharing drivers being harassed and assaulted by regular taxi drivers were common. Fraud: Fraud in Morocco may involve a wide range of situations from financial fraud to relationship fraud for the purpose of obtaining a visa. If you believe you are the victim of a fraudulent scheme, you may wish to consult with an attorney to best determine what your options are under Moroccan law.
Internet Romance and Marriage Fraud: Many U.S. Citizens befriend Moroccans through Internet dating and social networking sites and these relationships often quickly lead to marriage proposals or engagement. Consulate General in Casablanca warns against potential marriage fraud. It is not uncommon for foreign nationals to enter into marriages with U.S. Citizens solely for immigration purposes. Often, the marriages end in divorce in the United States when the foreign nationals acquire legal permanent residence (a “green card”) or U.S.
In some cases, the new U.S. Citizens or permanent residents then remarry the Moroccan spouses whom they previously divorced, frequently around the same time as they enter into relationships with sponsoring U.S. Please see our information on. Entering into a marriage contract for the principal purpose of facilitating immigration to the United States for an alien is against U.S. Law and can result in serious penalties, including fines and imprisonment for the U.S.
Citizen and the foreign national involved. If you are concerned about a family member or friend who is visiting someone he or she met online, you can contact at the U.S. Consulate General at 212-522-64-20-46. Please see the and the pages for information on relationship scams. Victims of Crime: Report crimes to the local police and contact the U.S. Consulate in Casablanca at 212-522-64-20-46.
Remember that local authorities are responsible for investigating and prosecuting crimes. See our webpage on. We can:. Help you find appropriate medical care. Assist you in reporting a crime to the police.
Contact relatives or friends with your written consent. Explain the local criminal justice process in general terms. Provide a list of local attorneys, translators and medical facilities. Provide our information on.
Provide an emergency loan for repatriation to the United States and/or limited medical support in cases of destitution. Help you find accommodation and arrange flights home. Replace a stolen or lost passport. What we can NOT do for you:. Provide legal advice. Recommend a lawyer.
Get you out of jail. Investigate a crime.
Help you enter the country. Get you better treatment than others in detention or prison. Domestic Violence: U.S.
Morocco Movenpick
Citizen victims of domestic violence should first contact local law enforcement authorities first to report the crime and may contact the U.S. Consulate General in Casablanca for assistance. The local equivalent to the “911” emergency line in Morocco is “190” when calling from a mobile phone.
Dial “91” from a landline or “177” if calling Gendarmerie. Please note that emergency operators rarely speak English. Most police and other officials speak Arabic; some may speak French.
For further information:. Enroll in the to receive security messages and make it easier to locate you in an emergency. Call us in Washington at 1-888-407-4747 toll-free in the United States and Canada or 1-202-501-4444 from other countries from 8:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday (except U.S. Federal holidays). See the for, Travel Warnings, and Travel Alerts.
Follow us on. See for useful travel tips. Criminal Penalties: You are subject to local laws. If you violate local laws, even unknowingly, you may be expelled, arrested, or imprisoned. In some places you may be taken in for questioning if you don’t have your passport with you.
Furthermore, some laws are also prosecutable in the U.S., regardless of local law. For examples, see our website on and the website. Arrest Notification: If you are arrested or detained, ask police or prison officials to notify the U.S. Consulate immediately. See our for further information.
Crimes of fraud, including passing bad checks, non-payment of bills (including hotel bills), or breach of contract are considered serious in Morocco and can often result in imprisonment and/or fines. Bail generally is not available to non-residents of Morocco who are arrested for crimes involving fraud. Debtors can be held in prison until their debts are paid or until an agreement is reached between the parties. Passports may be seized by the Moroccan government to guarantee that debtors settle their cases. Debtors may be unable to work in Morocco without passports while still being held responsible for their debts. Prior to entering into a contract, you may want to consider consulting an attorney.
Faith-Based Travelers: Islam is the official religion in Morocco. However, the constitution provides for the freedom to practice one's religion. The Moroccan government does not interfere with public worship by the country’s Jewish minority or by expatriate Christians. Proselytizing is, however, prohibited. In the past, U.S.
Citizens have been arrested, detained, and/or expelled for discussing or trying to engage Moroccans in debate about Christianity. In February 2014, several U.S. Citizens were expelled from Morocco for alleged proselytizing. Many of those expelled were long-time Moroccan residents.
In these cases, U.S. Citizens were given no more than 48 hours to gather their belongings or settle their affairs before being expelled. LGBTI Travelers: Consensual same-sex sexual relations are criminalized in Morocco. Penalties include fines and jail time.
See our page and section 6 of our for further details. Travelers Who Require Accessibility Assistance: While in Morocco, individuals with disabilities may find accessibility and accommodation very different from what is customary in the United States. Students: See our page. Women Travelers: Women walking alone in certain areas of cities and rural areas are particularly vulnerable to assault by men. They should exercise caution when in public spaces, including nightclubs or other social establishments.
Women are advised to travel with a companion or in a group when possible and to ignore any harassment. See our tips for. Customs: Travelers must declare large quantities of U.S. Dollars brought into the country at the port of entry.
The export of Moroccan currency (dirhams) is prohibited; however, Moroccan currency can be converted back into U.S. Dollars prior to departure only if the traveler has a bank or money transfer receipt indicating he or she exchanged dollars for dirhams while in Morocco.
Moroccan customs authorities may enforce strict regulations concerning temporary importation into or export from Morocco of items such as firearms, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) or drones, religious materials, antiquities, business equipment, and large quantities of currency. It is advisable to contact the or the for specific information concerning customs requirements. Please see our information on Citizenship: The Government of Morocco considers all persons born to Moroccan fathers to be Moroccan citizens.
In addition to being subject to all U.S. Citizens who also possess the nationality of Morocco may be subject to other laws that impose special obligations on citizens of Morocco. Recently, Morocco has begun allowing Moroccan mothers of children born outside Morocco to petition for their children’s citizenship. For further information on that process, please contact the or the. Residency Permits: In order to obtain a residence permit, travelers must present (among other requirements) a criminal history record check. This record check can only be obtained in the United States. Consulate and Embassy are unable to take fingerprints to send for FBI record requests.
For specific information, individuals seeking residency should visit their local police station. The following documents must accompany a residency renewal application:. Birth Certificate. Copy of the current passport. Copy of the current Moroccan residency card. Medical certificate from a doctor stating that the requester is free from any contagious disease.
Court record (Casier Judiciaire) obtained from the Ministry of Justice in Rabat. 100 MAD stamp Individuals planning on residing in Morocco or relocating to the U.S.
May be asked to provide a notarized change of residence form. This form is available at the U.S.
Consulate by appointment. Sending Passports through the Mail: According to Moroccan law, it is prohibited to send passports by mail across international borders. Passports sent to or through Morocco via Fedex, DHL, or other courier will be confiscated by Moroccan authorities.
Confiscated U.S. Passports are eventually sent to the U.S. Consulate General in Casablanca after being processed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. If your passport has been confiscated, you can contact the American Citizens Services section at to ask if it has been received. Property: U.S. Consular officers are prohibited by law and regulation from accepting personal property for safekeeping regardless of the circumstances involved.
If there is concern over the protection of property left behind in Morocco due to confiscation or deportation for political, legal, or other reasons, U.S. Citizens should take every precaution to ensure that available legal safeguards are in place either before, or immediately after, purchasing property in Morocco or taking up residence there. Citizens are also encouraged to consider assigning a Power of Attorney, or Procuration, to be used in Morocco if necessary.
More are available on the website. Photographing Sensitive Locations: Taking photographs of anything that could be perceived as being of military or security interest may result in problems with the authorities. As a general rule, travelers should not photograph palaces, diplomatic missions, government buildings, or other sensitive facilities and when in doubt should ask permission from the appropriate Moroccan authorities.
Professional Basketball in Morocco: The U.S. Consulate General in Casablanca is aware that there are local professional basketball teams who have made contracts with U.S.
Citizens to play on Moroccan teams. Some of these players have subsequently claimed they were not paid as stipulated per the terms of the contract. Individuals considering playing basketball professionally in Morocco may wish to consult with a lawyer regarding the terms of their contract prior to signing. A can be found on the Consulate’s webpage. Adequate medical care is available in Morocco’s largest cities, particularly in Rabat and Casablanca, although not all facilities meet Western standards. Emergency and specialized care outside the major cities is far below U.S. Standards and may not be available at all.
Most medical staff will have limited or no English-speaking ability. Most ordinary prescription and over-the-counter medicines are widely available. Specialized prescriptions may be difficult to fill and availability of all medicines in rural areas is unreliable. Travelers should not ask friends or relatives to send medications through the mail, FedEx, or UPS since Moroccan customs will impound the delivery and not release it to the recipient. Travelers planning to drive in the mountains and other remote areas may wish to carry a medical kit and a Moroccan phone card for emergencies.
In the event of vehicle accidents involving injuries, immediate ambulance service is usually not available. The police emergency services telephone number is “190” (see Traffic Safety and Road Conditions section below). Mission in Morocco is unable to pay your medical bills. Be aware that U.S. Medicare does not apply overseas. Medical Insurance: Make sure your health insurance plan provides coverage overseas. Most care providers overseas only accept cash payments.
You may also be required to pay a deposit before being admitted for treatment. See our webpage for more. We strongly recommend to cover medical evacuation. If traveling with prescription medication, check with the to ensure the medication is legal in Morocco. Always carry your prescription medication in original packaging, along with your doctor’s prescription. Vaccinations: Be up-to-date on all recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Further health information:. (CDC). Road Conditions and Safety: Traffic accidents are a significant hazard in Morocco.
Driving practices are very poor and have resulted in serious injuries to and fatalities of U.S. This is particularly true at dusk during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, when adherence to traffic regulations is lax, and from July to September when Moroccans resident abroad return from Europe by car in large numbers. Drivers should exercise extreme caution when driving at night due to poor lighting systems along roads. Traffic signals do not always function, and are sometimes difficult to see.

Modern freeways link the cities of Tangier, Rabat, Fez, Casablanca, and Marrakesh. Two-lane highways link other major cities. Secondary routes in rural areas are often narrow and poorly paved.
Roads through the Rif and Atlas mountains are steep, narrow, windy, and dangerous. Pedestrians, scooters, and animal-drawn conveyances are common on all roadways, including the freeways, and driving at night should be avoided if possible. During the rainy season (November - March), flash flooding is frequent and sometimes severe, washing away roads and vehicles in rural areas. Traffic Laws: In the event of a traffic accident, including accidents involving injuries, the parties are required to remain at the scene and not move their vehicles until the police have arrived and documented all necessary information. The police emergency services telephone number is “190”.
Morocco Movement
Often Moroccan police officers pull over drivers for inspection within the city and on highways. Traffic Fines: Confiscation of a driver’s license is possible if a violator is unable or unwilling to settle a fine at the time of a traffic stop. If you are stopped for a speeding violation, you have the right to request the video footage documenting the infraction. Once the speeding violation is confirmed, you have three options:.
Pay the fine on the spot and obtain a receipt of payment;. Pay at the local city’s treasury (La Perception). The police/gendarme officer will issue you a ‘ticket’ indicating the amount of the fine and keep your driver’s license until you pay the fine. Should you wish to contest a violation, you may file a complaint at court; however, Moroccan authorities may keep your driver’s license and vehicle registration while this lengthy process takes place. Foreign driver’s licenses are valid for use in Morocco for up to one year. After that, foreign residents must pass the Moroccan driver’s test and obtain a Moroccan driver’s license.
The test is conducted in Arabic and French. Speakers of other languages are allowed to have a sworn translator with them when taking the test. Public Transportation: While public buses and taxis are inexpensive, driving habits are poor, and buses are frequently overcrowded. City buses are not considered safe. The train system has a good safety record. Trains, while sometimes crowded, are comfortable and generally on time.
See our for more information. Visit Morocco’s website for additional information. Train Station Hotline: 0890 20 30 40. Bus Station Hotline: 0800 09 00 30. Directory Enquiry- 160 Web-based ride-sharing services are not legal in Morocco; however, some well-known companies (UBER and Careem) have attempted operations with limited success. Media reports of ride-sharing drivers being harassed and assaulted by regular taxi drivers were common. Aviation Safety Oversight: The U.S.
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has assessed the Government of Morocco’s Civil Aviation Authority as being in compliance with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) aviation safety standards for oversight of Morocco’s air carrier operations. Further information may be found on the.
Morocco On The Move
Maritime Travel: Mariners planning travel to Morocco should also check for U.S. Maritime advisories and alerts at.
Information may also be posted to the U.S. Coast Guard homeport website (and the NGA broadcast warnings website (select “broadcast warnings”).