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Wow, this took me ages to finish it x.x So much rap and scarl raps so fast xD I just found him and his songs are sick! 🔥 Enjoy!♥ ♡If you like it, then show it to me with a thumb up! ^-^ More Videos?
Comment by malystryx If you're curious as to how this item scales down with your character's level (for purposes of twinking or general curiosity), you can use the LINK button at the top of this item page to link the item in-game: the WoW client will automatically scale the item stats down to your character's level for you. This works with all the other Heirloom items as well. Steps in case you are unfamiliar with how to use Wowhead item links:. Click the link button above, there will be a popup window with some automatically highlighted text. Copy the text (Windows: Ctrl-C, Mac: Cmd-C) and close the popup window.
Feral Heart Free Play
Open (or switch to) WoW and press Enter to open up your chat dialog. Paste the code into the box (Windows: Ctrl-V, Mac: Cmd-V) and press Enter.
A message in white text will appear in your chat log followed by an item link. You can click this link to view the details and can Ctrl-click it to view it on your character. Thanks goes to for creating the helpful 'how to' steps, original comment found.
Comment by czokalapik You can enchant BoA items with enchants that require ilvl 1 item, or don't have requirements of ilvl and do not bind item after enchant (rep/profession-only 'soulbounding enchants' cannot be used on BoA items). Also 10% bonus stack with rested state:. or simply.2,1 Additionaly every Heirloom item will change category with profession, for example you can buy Plate shoulders, and send them to warrior on 30 lvl, shoulders will 'change' into Mails, and after reaching 40lvl again into Plate.
Comment by cloudp A little summary on all info about Heirlooms (last update ). This item is part of the new system blizzard is implementing in Wrath of the Lich King. This items are bought with tokens like Badges of Justice, the Emblems of Heroism and Stone Keeper’s Shards, which are attained by killing any dungeon boss in Northrend while your faction controls Wintergrasp. They bind on account and are interchangeable between any character of that account but not to anyone else's. This item's stats are the level 80 ones, since this special Heirlooms (the new item rarity created specifically to this purpose) scale with your level (Each time you gain levels it's stats increase). The enchants you can apply on them are the level 1 ILevel ones. Their incredible itemization will make your leveling easier and will most likely last to 80 since they are better than the average greens you get to that level.
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If a special situatin on the kind of armor it displays happens (example: Warriors wear mail 1-39 plate 40-80), the item 'transforms' into the new armor proficiency when you reach the required level. In adiction, the shoulderparts will increase the experience you gain by 10%. It may sound like 'meh. 100 exp becomes 110, big deal', but actually those 10%+exp will make the difference on you leveling's speed. Spoiled Alts will enjoy this immensely.
Good one Blizz! You can get a full list of all Heirlooms here: (notice, only Shoulder slot items have the +10%EXP bonus!) The actual available slot items are Shoulders (for all prficiencies and specs but tanks), Trinkets (for melee, caster, and Medallions) and Weapons/Ranged (For some reason, no Wands. This may change when Wrath comes. I sincerly hope so. 3 out of 10 classes use it, i dont see why it shouldnt be taken into account.) Edit - Seems like blizzard changed the way +EXP bonus works. It now ALSO WORKS WITH QUESTS! This will definatly mean some serious ease in levelling.

Feral Heart Download Game
10% less experience in those late 70s means abov 100000 experience saved, no matter how you grind! Comment by zolyisback As I see it these will be pretty much pointless to get, not only the weapons but all the items. They'll be useful at 81 just like the other level 85 capped heirlooms, then you can just buy the 82-83 mop greens that are vastly superior and will have you tearing through quests like mad to 85. I'd say just take the time you'd take on farming the JP and/or Honor for the desired looms and use that to farm on a main for more than enough money to buy the mop greens and you'll be much better set and get much faster experience gain through brute force of overwhelming next-expansion stats.