Akvis Enhancer For Mac
Photo correction software AKVIS Enhancer works in three modes: Improve Detail, Prepress, and Tone Correction: In Improve Detail mode the program brings out details on an image by intensifying color transition. It strengthens the difference between adjacent pixels having different color gradations and therefore allows revealing not only details in the shadow but even details in the overexposed and mid tone areas. This mode is useful in cases when a photo has an uneven exposure. For example, when a picture has been taken with the background overexposed and consequently the foreground is hardly discernible, which is especially annoying when you take a picture of a person; or when a photo lacks dramatic effect due to vagueness of the scene. In Prepress mode the program helps to adjust photos before printing or publishing online.
Akvis Enhancer For Mac Pro

Use this mode to increase the sharpness of borders and the contrast of the image. Even a high quality photograph needs prepress processing that will give it a professional look. In Tone Correction mode the program makes corrections of an image in the light and dark areas. As a result the overall impression of the image improves considerably. Changes can be made to the entire image or only to a part of it depending on the selected colors.
The software is useful not only for correction of family and art photos, but can be efficient as well in technical use. Publishers of technical literature can apply Enhancer to show equipment illustrations in detail; doctors can use Enhancer to increase the level of detail on roentgenograms, etc. The program is easy to use and learn. You can save frequently used settings as presets and use them in the future. It optimizes your work and saves you time. Adobe indesign cs5 software. AKVIS Enhancer supports Batch Processing that lets you automatically process a series of images with the same settings. The program is available in two editions -as an independent program standalone program and as a plug-in to a photo editor.
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